Outsider, Guardian from the High Mountains
A brown-haired veena viera watches his surroundings from the corners of ice-bound eyes set into an unreadable expression...

Observing silently, velveteen ears swivel to catch conversation, expression unchanging...
As stoic and rigid as the mountains of his birthplace, the veena stares unflinchingly into your eyes should your gazes cross...


A veena viera with piercingly cold, aqua blue eyes.
Fell's gruff, baritone voice is distorted by a gritty, gravelly, raspy tone.
Pale brown hair appears fine and soft, wont to fall straight down and- more often than not- over his face. A diminutive ponytail bears a white swan feather tied in and dangling near his collar.
Several noticeable scars appear upon his face: A thin line runs down from his left eye; an older wound mended by time. A thin line also runs downward from the tip of his nose, over both lips, and curves an ilm beneath his chin; a more recent wound that has healed unnaturally straight and light. It is occasionally enhanced with black paint.
Black facial paint is placed below his eyes, and several dots above his right eye.
Fell's lower neck is always covered, be it by cloth or a wide leather choker. His chest is also always covered over.
As with most viera, his age is indeterminate, but visibly youthful.
He stands at an approximate five fulms and nine ilms, sans smooth-furred ears.
Fell's build is compact and lean. Very little body fat to spare, he has a wiry strength that can be deceiving at first glance.
When armored, Fell is rarely seen without a metallic headpiece adorned with white wings that fade to grey at their tips.
He has been known at different times to carry a bow and quiver or a large scythe, and always carries a heavy hunting knife sheathed horizontally at the rear of his waist.

Character Traits & Personality

Gruff and grumbling, Fell is more likely to grunt or growl in reply than to actually speak, unless and until he feels he has anything of value to contribute. Arms defensively crossed and often brooding on his own, he has been heard to say, "People don't talk in th'way I know how t'listen-- 'nd people don't know how t'listen to th'way I talk."
Fell is still noticeably uncomfortable and awkward in 'civilized society', preferring to be left to his own devices and shying away from groups and gatherings of people. He will freely admit that he only came down from the mountains about a year and a half prior, finding 'society' to be bizarre and contradictory... despite doing his limited best to try to offend as few of its people as possible. Knowing that he has no way back to his ancestral lands, he restlessly searches for a comfortable space to inhabit at the fringes of society where it is quieter.
His name is always given to others as "Fell". There are perhaps a handful of folk who know his heart's name.
Despite a mildly irritable, stoic, stand-offish demeanour, Fell has been observed to be gentler in the presence of well-known persons and those he trusts.

Known Information (Hooks)

Armed and Dangerous: Fell's viera heritage and myriad of weaponry indicates he is quite proficient in the art of ending lives- from a distance or up close and personal.
Wallflower: Often hovering just at the fringes of where people gather- inns, taverns, settlements- Fell seems to struggle with finding the right words to engage with others. A half-wild creature still relatively new to social norms, there may be some other way to earn his attention?
Thirsty Business: It would not take long upon observing this veena to notice his penchant for drinking. Non-alcoholic beverages, hot or cold, something in a canteen at his hip-- liquids are imbibed in almost concerning volumes at times, his waterskin always full and close at hand when afield.
Aetheric Instability?: Those with keen aetheric perception might find themselves curious to look more deeply at this man. (If you gaze upon or reach out to him with aetheric senses, send me a message for further information.)
"Pack": A white swan feather is tied in the hair of a rava viera styling himself as Solan Haurun. Black crow feathers have found their way into the possession of the Miqo'te known as Trajah Ossen and Y'eva Y'hisa, as well as the Xaela Caragai Iriq.
Unsavoury Sorts (Rare):
Those associated with piracy in relation to the slave trade may possibly have heard rumours of the White Wolf.
OOC Information
I am a 21+ Mature Roleplayer and require those I Roleplay with to also be at least 18+.
I am currently On Hiatus, but will accept in-game Tells if you would like to chat!
Erland Fellwesfv @ Bismarck (Materia)